AGE – Another Game Engine
- Primary Goal: To create an easy to use 3D game engine with Audio, GLSL support,Dear ImGUI, and C# Scripting support.
- Secondary Goal: To create a self-consistent, extensible API for AGE.
Main: Java
Scripting: C#
Minimum Viable Product (v 1.0)
Rendering: Rendering Some Perspective Correct Geometry, with Diffuse Lighting.
Audio: Playback a .Wav file on command.
Scripting: Basic c# Scripting
Version 0.1 Plan
Plan Overview
Primary Goal: Open A Window, Setup a OpenGL Context, and Render a Quad, and respond to window resizing events.
Secondary Goal: Research Good, long-term coding practices for the success of AGE
(Fig 1. V1.0 Design)
- LWJGL2 Has OpenGL functions spread across all the GLvv (where vv is the version number), so for convenience the functions will be wrapped up in the OpenGL static class.
- Since we are using Java, might it make more sense to use java as the scripting language, or at least have it as an option?
(Fig. 2 – Drawing A Triangle)
(Fig. 3 – Sandbox Source Code v0.1)
Code Overview
DisplayManager.Create(1080, 720, "Hello"); //Opens A Window with dimensions 1080 x 720, and a title of 'Hello'. Vsync Is on by default.
float[] positions = { //Setup Vertex Positions in Indentity Space (-1 - +1)
0, 1,0,
int[] triangles = {0,1,2}; //Setup Triangles
Mesh mesh = new Mesh(positions, triangles); //Create a new mesh using the previous vertex positions and triangles
while(DisplayManager.IsActive()) { //Whilst The window hasn't been closed...
Renderer.Clear(; //Set the background color / clear the screen to Red (255,0,0)
Renderer.Draw(mesh); //Draw the mesh
DisplayManager.Update(); //Update the window and input System
DisplayManager.Destroy(); //Close The Window